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CFA visit for Safety Week
Winter Lightning Prem
A big congratulations to all the Year 5/6 students who represented their school at last week’s Winter Lightning Premiership. Our footballers, netballers and soccer stars all had a great time. A big thank you to the Year 4 students who helped out, making sure we all had full teams to compete.
Mrs Hill bids us farewell
It is with great sadness that we bid Mrs Hill farewell as she begins her life as a retiree; sailing the Greek Islands with Mr Hill!
Gretta devoted her life’s work in making a difference in the lives of countless children. There was never a dull moment as Gretta injected enthusiasm, humour and knowledge into our school. We wish her all the vey best in her new life and hope she doesn’t forget about us! We welcome Mrs Gee to our school as our new art/science teacher as well as foundation support.
HMAS Cerberus Summer Ceremonial Parade
The 5/6 students were lucky enough to be invited to the HMAS Cerberus Summer Ceremonial Parade on Friday the 18th of March. Thankfully we decided to brave the cold and the rain because the parade was outstanding to watch. Students then visited the museum on the base where we explored the history of the base for several hours. A big thank you to Chief Petty Officer Mulheron for organising the day.
2015 Swimming schedule
Our swimming program commences on Monday the 30th of November running until Thursday the 17th of December. Our swimming carnival is on the 8th of December. The 2015 Swimming Timetable details each grade’s swimming schedule.
Our volleyball stars
On Wednesday the 21st of October the boys and girls volleyball team went off to represent our school having both progressed to the District competition. Both teams competed valiantly, and whilst the boys were knocked out (only narrowly losing) the girls won the Grand Final and will now progress to the Southern Metro competition. Once again, our students represented themselves and their school beautifully. A big thanks to Mr. Barden for organising the day and to April for coaching both teams!
Year 5/6 Urban Camp
The Year 5/6s had an amazing camp in the city last week. Four trains later and we arrived in the city and checked in to our accommodation. From there it was off to experience the sights and sounds of Melbourne. We visited Parliament House, the Old Treasury Building and the Old Melbourne Gaol to name just a few of our activities. Everywhere we went we received compliments on the children’s behaviour which was pleasing. A big thanks to Mrs. Hewitson for organising a fantastic camp (and a big thanks to Libby and Mr. Young who volunteered at the last minute!)
Welcome back Mrs. Vandenbosch!!
As much as we loved Mrs. Coumbe filling in as Principal in Term 3 (and what an outstanding job she did!!), we missed Mrs. Vandenbosch and are very pleased to have her back. Mrs. Vandenbosch spent Term 3 travelling Europe with her husband and friends visiting many beautiful places.
Year 3/4 Gundiwindi Camp
The students need to be congratulated for their amazing behaviour and participation. They enjoyed many experiences from flying high on the flying fox and giant swing to tapping their toes and swinging their partners at the bush dance. Other activities included making damper, archery, trusting others to keep them safe on the low ropes course and at the sensory trail where one participant was blind folded and put their survival skills to the test building bush shelters. The camping experience was topped off with a visit to Silvan dam, a walk through native forest and a picnic at Lilydale Lake.
A big thank you needs to be given to the staff who made this camp possible: Fiona Jackson, Mary Simpson, Sharon Pemberton, Stephen Young, James Elliott, Simone Deruyter.
1/2 excursion to Healesville Sanctuary
Last week the 1/2s enjoyed the bright sunshine and fresh air as they visited the Healesville Sanctuary. They saw lots of Australian wildlife including Wedge-Tailed Eagles and all sorts of Marsupials, but the highlight for some was the Kangaroo they saw racing the bus on the way there! The bus was eventually too quick for the Kangaroo who survived the race unhurt! Thank you to all the parent helpers that helped out on the day
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