3/4 Area

Our vision in years 3 and 4, is that all students learn to the best of their ability, in a safe and happy classroom where they can be successful. Throughout the year the students are encouraged to set and work towards achievable personal learning goals. These goals are continually reviewed by the students and their teachers. Classroom learning spaces are organised to enable flexibility for differentiated groupings, and to cater for individual abilities.

In reading, students become independent in selecting and reading a variety of texts that promote comprehension, opinions and enjoyment. Students participate in a variety of whole class, independent and small group reading activities to develop their reading skills. Reading regularly at home is strongly encouraged and supported by recording a log in a diary and through access to a wide variety of books for borrowing from both the classroom and school libraries. 


The writing program exposes students to the structure, features and knowledge needed to compose a variety of texts. In years 3 and 4, students are developing their author’s voice and increasing the use of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary to extend their writing.

Students are given the opportunity to reflect, share ideas and their opinions throughout the day in pair share and group discussions. This is a core component of Speaking and Listening. Discussions arise from many sources including when viewing educational materials and from digital learning programs.

The daily spelling program focuses on sounds and how we spell them. Students learn to recognise spellings to automaticity and participate in a variety of lessons and activities for practice.

Our mathematical planning focuses on covering the Victorian curriculum content of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. We find out what the students know and use differentiated groupings to take them beyond what they know, giving them experiences that extend their knowledge and understanding of Maths concepts. Open-ended tasks, problem solving and mental strategies are also used to enhance learning. 

Students have access to use iPads and computers across all areas of the curriculum.