At Crib Point Primary School numeracy is based around The Victorian Mathematics Curriculum, which provides students with essential mathematical skills and knowledge in Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics & Probability.
Students are taught through a Explicit Instruction (DI) approach. Lesson includes:
- DI Lesson
- Mental Fluency using Numbots (F-2) and Times Tables Rock Stars (3-6)
- Daily Reviews
The numeracy program helps students gain a greater understanding of mathematics through whole-group, small-group, and individual catch-up and extension teaching.
Students participate in pencil and paper activities, open-ended investigations, working in small groups, sharing skills and knowledge, using computer-based software and exploring problems in real world contexts. The numeracy program helps students to gain a greater understanding of mathematics in their world so that they can solve problems in their day to day lives.
The needs of all students are catered for by differentiated instructions and students are inspired to learn through engaging programs, such as our developmentally-sequenced hands-on numeracy resource from the Top 10 program.