5/6 Area

Preparing our students for 21century learning is a priority of our school. The use of technology is an integral part of learning in the senior area. Students use google classroom on a daily basis whether it is to see their daily schedule, literacy and numeracy learning tasks or to communicate with their teachers and each other when working on group projects. Other aspects of Google Education students use regularly include google sheets, google forms, slides and Google sites.

In Years Five and Six we consolidate the foundations laid in earlier years of Literacy through a variety of activities. 6+1 Traits of Writing, Book club, Sounds Write and student favorite book tastings remain at the core of our literacy program. Students review the structure and main features of each text type, expanding ideas and their vocabulary to create texts that express facts, thoughts and opinions to a greater extent than previously. In the senior years, students delve more deeply into concepts through reading and viewing resources to maximise their understanding through thinking, analysing and discussing. Students use various media to research and explore important historical and geographical events. 





Curriculum-related camps are undertaken once a year; alternating between a camp held at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat and an Urban Camp in the centre of Melbourne. Both camps are thoroughly enjoyed by students and are used to provide an exciting way to learn.

In Mathematics, students are separated into ability groups where they are able to explore the mathematics curriculum according to their particular needs, experiences and understanding. Students are also involved in using computer programs Mathletics and Skoolbo to support their learning in maths. These websites can be accessed from home for additional practice, particularly building recall of number facts in the live component; competing against children from around the world in a safe, secure web environment.

Students in Years Five and Six have many opportunities to become involved in areas of leadership within the school. Year Fives are responsible for the school-wide Waste and Recycling program while Year Six students have opportunities to be Canteen Helpers, Peer Mediators and Daily Fitness Leaders. Students elected as School Captains, House Captains and Vice-House Captains assist in the running of school sports events and lead at assemblies. In addition, Year Six students are partnered with Foundation students in our ‘Madeleine and Alannah Foundation Buddy Program’. Through involvement in these positions and activities, the students in Years Five and Six develop personal and interpersonal skills in fun and interactive ways helping to develop confidence, responsibility and resilience. Towards the end of the year transition for the next stages of their school life becomes a focus for both Year levels.

We aim for our students to graduate from Year Six prepared for the rigors of secondary college and equipped to be active and engaged members of their community.